Well.. the dark green shirt has U.S Army written on it....so when grandmomo modified the shirt, all that's left is Usmy hoho
the vet adviced us not to bring her home just yet....
pic were taken with fotophone... hence the blurry pic....
chika had an e-collar on. hohohoho
chika : chichi, dat's so not funny
Chika was soooooo happy to see us *chichi n grandmomo*
we had to tell her to calm down and not jump up n down so much.
btw, grandmomo is grandmamma in short
poch : how's dat shorter ? difference is only 1 letter
but we felt really bad when we had to leave her behind....
*sob sob*
poch : i bet you didn't feel bad about leaving me behind at home huh ? *munch munch*
I wanted to come and visit chika too.
So, will post photos of chika-at-home tomorrow :D
chi was very annoyed today...
poch : chi chi, dat's a strong word
chi : *frowns*
poch : so chi had to go to the bank today.. there was only 5 people in line, but it took foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr................... so chi was really really annoyed....
afterwards she wanted to get ice cream.....*chi... r u 5?*...... and there was traffic jam going there , so she decided to just go home..... *wantz cold ice creammm*
so basically.... all frown frown & pout pout when I saw her....
but when she saw me.... she was all huggy huggy and forgot about everything dat happened earlier.
So...Yes it's official.... pronch ball is chi's therapy ball.
i though she was going to squeeze me.... i'm not a real ball, chi !!
poch : So chi... does this means I get more treats ?
where's my pic chi ? r u gonna post my pic now ?
chi : shoosh pronch... comereee..... *hugzzz* :)
ninja puppy shih tzu signing off *paw puff*
forgive me chi chi, i'm not wat you ting ai am
ninja puppy shih tzu signing off *paw puff*
poch : chi chi...since your name is chi chi foodsource mm...
let's make it chi chi pronchie foodsource
i'm going to name your sister :
princess sista achoo choo choo pronchie foodsource
here are the list of aliases that you should know of :
alias # 1 : sista
alias # 2 : choo choo
alias # 3 : princess
chi : why ? huh ? Hey !!!
why does she get to be called princess ?
poch : just becoz
chi : just becoz wot ?
poch : just becoz u're stingy and she's not :P
chi : what table ? dat's my red sandal
poch : here... i can train with this like this....
poch : just sniffing
poch : what ?
poch : umm... i'm "FART training" , Remember ? it's part of my ninja training regime.
chi : well, umm... too, but no... no.... leggo poch
poch : *pouts*
Posted by
Pochi Poronchi
12:11 AM
Labels: Poronchi, scale, world domination take over control
Chi's been quite busy these days,
and she hasn't given me a showa in like....
well she gave me showa 2 weeks ago :(
but before that... i think it was a month... woohoooo
chi : poch, u stink !
poch : I so do not stink, u're being a drama queen today, chi !
who only showers once a day ?
chi : umm.... err.... who ?
poch : speechless ey ?
about the non showa n non brushing mai precious silky dog hair....
it's all tangled upppp....and chi has to cut some of them off.....
and I have some bald spots now :(
vatt ??? u dare ask for a photo ?
no no no .... i shall not reveal my baldspots...
thankfully because of my long and thick silky hair ,
the bald spots are safely hidden to the untrained eyes...
I'm still as gorgeous as ever
HUA HA HA HA HAH HA *evil laugh*
chi : pronch, stop scaring the readers
poch : hey u... it's ur fault u know
chi : heyy... u always giving me a hard time when I brush your hair,
you still have some hair tangled up on ur front legs....
lemme cut them off
poch : mai front legs ?
chi : nooo.... the tangless
poch : only if u can catch me :P *runs away*
wata = water
showa = shower
Hic hic hiccup i like to hiccup, n chi give me wata.
She wonders if I'm makin it up just to get her to get me wata.
get it ? *winks*
I know now how to pee in bathroom, on command.
chi seems vewwy happy bout it.
I still poo whereever, but I always save some to pee n poo in chi's room.
chi : hey pronch, u peed on a rug yesterday.... why ? why ?? why ??
poch : oh stop overreacting chi.... it's just wata
besides, it's the side effects of hiccup-ing
Owkayy... so chi's been busy with lil sis' wedding....
I understand dat
But Chi !!! It's been a month already....
so ??
u're gonna start updating mi blog again ?
Pwomise ??
okayy... I forgive u...
So... here's a souvenir from the big day...
it's GranMamma....
*chi... next pic better be my pic, owkay*
Look at her hairr....
Chi calls it Giant Brain....
and I agweee....
hmm.. why do I have strong urge to mess GranMamma's hair ??
Chi says it's my Evil Ninja Instinct which I must supress in order to achieve the Supreme Power.
I just look at her funny , pee a lil bit and walk away.
Chi's been calling me Boli Boli for quite some time now....
Why chi ? why ?
She sez becoz I curl up like a ball so she calls me pronchball.
and pronchball becomes pronchy-bally
And pronchy-bally becomes bally bally aka Boli Boli
So it's Boli Boli everyday now.... *annoyed*
Then Chi saw this Japanese Name Game at Simba's blog
A-ka.. B-tu.. C-mi.. D-te.. E-ku.. F-lu.. G-ji.. H-ri.. I-ki.. J-zu.. K-me.. L-ta.. M-rin.. N-to.. O-mo.. P-no.. Q-ke.. R-shi.. S-ari.. T-chi.. U-do.. V-ru.. W-mei.. X-na.. Y-fu.. Z-zi
So... she figures out my name,
although my name is already kinda japanesey
she insisted , oh well....
it turns out dat my name is Nomomiriki Nomoshimotomiriki
wat ???
Nomo ???
No mo treats ?
No mo chew chew ?
I think I'll stick with Boli Boli for now...
PS. Chi, plish start posting my pics again owkay ?
or I shall attempt to escape
*highly influenced by signor scofield from prison break*
Lotsa Love,
Boli Boli aka Pochi Poronchi
chi chi : No pronch pronch, you shan't run away from home, If u did, who's gonna feed ur fat wobbly tummy ?
poch : Don't mock me chi chi, or I shall strategically plant pee-bomb and poo-bomb in various discrete locations in your room.
chi chi : Are you threatening me pronch ?
poch : A woo woo woo woo....
chi chi : Oh pronch, u're my own lil bundle of meanie meanie miney mo *hugz*
Dear Mommi Chi chi Pronchie,
Please update my blog soon,
or else I'll run away from home
Pochi Poronchi
It's not Airborne
nor Touching-borne
Neither one of the two canines, ie. Chika & poch, is contaminated with Evil Mutant Rat
None of them, *me and housekeeper included* has turned into a Mutant.
Their eyes turned green for a short while (hence the photo evident) , which has me worried, but it turned out to be just greed.
but I strongly suspect that Poch is a Mutant in Disguise
poch : I am Ninjaaaa !!! ... Ninjaaaaaa !!!!
Posted by
Pochi Poronchi
6:51 PM
Labels: Chika, Poronchi, world domination take over control
Chika had an encounter with a RAT today !!!!
Posted by
Pochi Poronchi
12:02 AM
Labels: Poronchi, scale, world domination take over control
chi chi : " am so proud of u poch " *hugz*
groupies : Brava Poch !!
Quel talent ! t'es une tres douee ninja !
poch : " yas chi chi, i know " *hugz back*
*fix hair*
" and groupies.... , venez-vous, je vous donne des grands bisous ! " *sluurrp*
I am Pochi Poronchi.
Ninja Puppy Secret Agent
Designed by StudioKreatif